• 👨🔧 About Us

    Before starting AutoMarketplace, we operated a vehicle fleet in New York City. Our customers were commercially licensed drivers working with Uber Black, the rideshare company’s premium trip service. After more than two million miles in and around the City’s five boroughs, we learned many expensive lessons.

  • We know the frustrations of buying, owning, maintaining, and fixing a vehicle in NYC. We’ve also dealt with various administration from DMV work to insurance claims.

    AutoMarketplace is the site we needed when we ran our fleet. A trustworthy & transparent directory of local auto service shops & brokers.

    AM Rewards

    By creating a useful automotive directory, we’ll help drivers & fleets gain pricing power, while also sending customers to the most deserving dealers, shops & brokers. The AutoMarketplace Rewards Program is meant to provide discounts to those who use our directory and help share pricing insight.

    Click here to learn more about how the rewards program works..

    💬 Reach Out

    If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected] or call us at (646) 685-4073.

    Find us on YouTube and subscribe to our Newsletter, to follow our content.